According to WHO’s definition “Burn-out is a syndrome conceptualized as resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed.”
It is characterized by three dimensions:
Feelings of energy depletion or exhaustion
Increased mental distance from one’s job, or feelings of negativism or cynicism related to one's job
Reduced professional efficacy.
It is also rooted on two main causes or more often a combination of both Personal
How much you demand to yourself to perform at work Environment
What a workplace or culture will expect
Ambitious high achievers in very competitive and demanding environments are the ones that can push themselves to the limit without realizing it (or ignoring the symptoms) and are at high risk of burnout.
But everyone is at risk if stress and well-being are not regularly checked in the workplace.
Once you start climbing the chronic stress ladder, you are no longer able to recognize on your own that things are spiraling out of control.
You shut down the feelings and operate like a machine.
You believe that if you only work a little more, push harder, suck it up a bit longer, it will soon be back to normal.
That is not the way out.
Preventing and treating Burnout symptoms at early stage, when they are still manageable, is much better than trying to do that when you can no longer cope and need a long recovery
To support even more people, I have create a quick BURNOUT PREVENTION GUIDE
This will help to recognise what to look for, evaluate if you are a bit busy or a few days before collapsing, and will suggest what do for you (or your team) in each stage.
Feel free to message me to receive a copy.